Purposeful Placements

Recruiters who make a difference

Need to hire a peacock on a pigeon budget?

Interested in a reasonable flat fee?

Running a nonprofit requires special people. You need someone who can promote, persuade, and provoke passion from everyone around them while keeping a thoughtful eye on the organization's purpose.

Those people are rare.

Allow us to find your peacock. It’s what we do.

Why a reduced flat fee?

After falling head over heels in love with an orphaned cow calf, I founded a nonprofit farm rescue. Despite just turning 50 and purchasing a new home where I planned to retire, I gave everything up, sold the house, and bought an RV and vacant land to build the Tennessee Cow Rescue with zero farming experience.

When I tell you that I understand building a nonprofit and the nonprofit environment, I do. I’m living and working in that world every day.

After speaking with many nonprofit leaders struggling with the same issue: finding strong managers for their organizations while having little time and even less money to do it, I realized there was a way for me to merge my professional recruiting experience with my passion for helping nonprofits thrive. Regardless of your nonprofit's size, from grassroots to the biggest of the big, I am offering you all of my professional recruiting experience to help you hire the right person for your nonprofit team.

Even better, I will do it for a well below-market, flat-fee retained nonprofit price to help you control your costs and stay within your budget.

I opened Small World Recruiting in 2014; we are one of the world's best supply chain and logistics recruiters.

Our usual fee is 25% of the candidate’s total compensation.

Nonprofit Recruiting Pricing

Nonprofit Recruiting Pricing

Hiring the perfect person for your position can be costly in terms of salary and benefits but also your valuable time conducting the search.

Why am I providing this service at a below-market price? I founded a nonprofit, and I understand your challenge, and this is one more way to give back.

If the estimated position salary is below $100,000, your search fee is $7,500.

For estimated salaries of $100,000 to $200,000, your fee is $15,000.

Salaries above $200,000 will be discussed during our introductory call.

Half of the fee is paid at the start of the search, and half is due when your candidate accepts your offer.